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Correspondingly, what is culled layer?
Chick culling is the process of killing newly hatched chicks for which the intensive animal farming industry has no use. By 2020, US producers expect to sex the eggs before they hatch, so male eggs can be culled. Due to modern selective breeding, laying hen strains differ from meat production strains (broilers).
One may also ask, what makes a good layer?
Good layers have clean-cut, strong, refined heads while poor layers have coarse, meaty/thin, blocky, weak looking head. A good layer has an abdomen that is deep and soft, easily pliable without body fat accumulation by probing fingers while a poor layer has a hard and shallow abdomen.
Removing the inferior birds reduces the cost of producing eggs, reduces the incidence of disease, and increases the available space for more productive hens. Hens eat feed whether or not they are laying. Removing the cull birds will make more feed and space for more productive birds.