Asked by: Anasse Schmidli
news and politics law

What are the four ways of amending the Constitution?

The Constitution, then, spells out four paths foranamendment:
  • Proposal by convention of states, ratification bystateconventions (never used)
  • Proposal by convention of states, ratification bystatelegislatures (never used)
  • Proposal by Congress, ratification by state conventions(usedonce)

Also to know is, what is the most common method for amending the Constitution?

Constitutional Amendments

  • Proposal by convention of the states, with ratification bystateconventions.
  • Proposal by convention of the states, with ratification bystatelegislatures.
  • Proposal by Congress, with ratification bystateconventions.
  • Proposal by Congress, with ratification by thestatelegislatures.

Subsequently, question is, what are the five ways the Constitution can be changed? This vital process of constitutional changebymeans other than formal amendment has takenplace—andcon- tinues to occur—in five basicways:through (1) the passage of basic legislation byCongress; (2)actions taken by the President; (3) key decisions ofthe SupremeCourt; (4) the activities of polit- icalparties;

Simply so, how many ways can the Constitution be amended?

Article V of the Constitution prescribes howanamendment can become a part of theConstitution.While there are two ways, only one hasever been used. All27 Amendments have been ratified aftertwo-thirds of theHouse and Senate approve of the proposal and sendit to the statesfor a vote.

What are the steps to amend the Constitution?

o Step 1: Two-thirds of both houses ofCongresspass a proposed constitutional amendment. This sendstheproposed amendment to the states for ratification.oStep 2: Three-fourths of the states (38 states) ratifytheproposed amendment, either by their legislatures orspecialratifying conventions.

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No matter what the president's lawyers say,theConstitution can only be changed by amendment.Amendmentscan only be proposed by a constitutionalconventioncalled by two-thirds of state legislatures (which hasneverhappened), or by a two-thirds majority in both housesofCongress.

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What is a formal amendment?

A "Formal Amendment" to the UnitedState'sConstitution is an amendment that has gone throughone ofthe processes outlined in Article V of the Constitution andadds toor changes the Constitution's wording. It has been ratifiedby thestates and has become law.

Jianjun Verdia


What are two ways to ratify an amendment?

Under Article V of the Constitution, there aretwoways to propose and ratify amendments totheConstitution. To propose amendments, two-thirdsofboth houses of Congress can vote to propose an amendment,ortwo-thirds of the state legislatures can ask Congresstocall a national convention toproposeamendments.

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How does the 21 Amendment affect us today?

The U.S. Constitution's 21stAmendmentrepealed the 18th Amendment, which prohibitedthetransportation, manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.Therepeal generated a number of positive effects, such asgivingadults the personal freedom to drink again and weakeningorganizedcrime's grip on power.

Rosann Thurbon


What should be an amendment?

To become an operative part of the Constitution,anamendment, whether proposed by Congress or anationalconstitutional convention, must be ratified byeither: Thelegislatures of three-fourths (at present 38) of thestates; or.State ratifying conventions in three-fourths (at present38) of thestates.

Alaina Durchgraf


What are the 10 Bill of Rights?

The first ten amendments to the U.S.Constitutionare summarized below. Freedom of religion, speech,press, assembly,and petition. Right to keep and bear arms in orderto maintain awell regulated militia. Right to due process of law,freedom fromself-incrimination, double jeopardy.

Gideon Lutter


How do you informally change the Constitution?

First Method – Amendment is proposed by Congressbya two-thirds vote in both houses, then ratified by three-fourthsofthe State legislatures. Second Method – Amendment isproposedby Congress by a two-thirds vote in both houses, thenratified byspecial conventions in three-fourths ofStates.

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What is the 28th Amendment of the Constitution?

Stated simply, the 28th Amendment would notallowCongress to make any laws that apply to American citizensthatdon't apply equally to the members of Congress.

Yanqin Ekman


Why is it hard to amend the Constitution?

Any proposal to amend the Constitution isidlebecause it's effectively impossible. The founders madetheamendment process difficult because they wanted to lockinthe political deals that made ratification oftheConstitution possible.

Lluis Nowatzek


What is the 27 amendments?

The 27th Amendment, also known astheCongressional Compensation Act of 1789, was thesecondamendment that James Madison proposed when hebroughtforward his draft of 12 amendments to the USConstitution.It says that pay raises or decreases for members ofCongress canonly take effect after the next election.

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Why was the Bill of Rights written?

The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make uptheBill of Rights. James Madison wrote the amendments,whichlist specific prohibitions on governmental power, in responsetocalls from several states for greater constitutional protectionforindividual liberties.

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What is the most important compromise in the Constitution?

The Great Compromise gave largerstatesmore say in the House of Representatives bytyingrepresentation there to state population, while keepingstaterepresentation equal in the Senate by giving each statetwovotes.

Adib Empeyre


What are three ways the Constitution can be amended?

The Constitution, then, spells out four paths foranamendment:
  • Proposal by convention of states, ratification bystateconventions (never used)
  • Proposal by convention of states, ratification bystatelegislatures (never used)
  • Proposal by Congress, ratification by state conventions(usedonce)

Zebenzuy Gelabert


What are the first 10 amendments called?

The first ten amendments were proposedbyCongress in 1789, at their first session; and,havingreceived the ratification of the legislatures ofthree-fourths ofthe several States, they became a part of theConstitution December15, 1791, and are known as the Bill ofRights.

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Can basic structure of the Constitution be amended?

The basic structure (or doctrine) oftheConstitution of India applies only toconstitutionalamendments, which states that the Parliamentcannot destroy oralter the basic features of the IndianConstitution.These features includes (1) Supremacy oftheconstitution.

Lingyun Wardenga


What is the Bill of Rights composed of?

The Bill of Rights consists of 10 amendmentsthatexplicitly guarantee certain rights and protections toUScitizens by limiting the power of the federal government. TheFirstAmendment prevents the government from interfering withthefreedoms of speech, peaceable assembly, and exerciseofreligion.

Rqia Alvela


Who can change the Constitution?

The Constitution provides that an amendment maybeproposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority voteinboth the House of Representatives and the Senate or byaconstitutional convention called for by two-thirds oftheState legislatures.

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Why is Article 5 of the Constitution Important?

Under Article V, the process to altertheConstitution consists of proposing an amendmentoramendments, and subsequent ratification. The vote of each state(toeither ratify or reject a proposed amendment) carries equalweight,regardless of a state's population or length of time intheUnion.

Brenda Tietsche


What does Article 6 of the Constitution mean?

Article Six of the UnitedStatesConstitution establishes the laws and treaties of theUnitedStates made in accordance with it as the supreme law of theland,forbids a religious test as a requirement for holdingagovernmental position, and holds the United States undertheConstitution responsible for debts incurred