Asked by: Hanif Robleda
news and politics law

What are the important features of Indian constitution?

Features of the Indian Constitution
  • The bulkiest constitution of the world.
  • Rigidity and flexibility.
  • Parliamentary system of government.
  • Federal system with a unitary bias.
  • Fundamental rights and fundamental duties.
  • Directive principles of state policy.
  • Secularism.
  • Independent judiciary.

Furthermore, what are the main features of Constitution?

The basic structure of the Constitutioni.e. its most fundamental features can be described as:Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles, Secularism,Federalism, Republicanism, Independence of Judiciary, Rule of Law,and Liberal Democracy.

Also Know, what are the three features of constitution? The Constitution has three main functions.First it creates a national government consisting of a legislative,an executive, and a judicial branch, with a system of checks andbalances among the three branches. Second, it divides powerbetween the federal government and the states.

Similarly, you may ask, how many features are there in Indian Constitution?

At present, the Constitution of Indiacontains 448 Articles in 25 Parts and 12 Schedules. However, thereare multiple features of the Constitution, namelySecular State, Federalism, Parliamentary Government, FundamentalRights and many more.

What are the 5 key features of the Constitution?

key features of indian constitution

  • The lengthiest Constitution in the world.
  • Parliamentary form of Government.
  • Unique blend of rigidity and flexibility.
  • Fundamental Rights.
  • Directive Principles of State policy (DPSP)
  • A federation with strong centralising tendency.
  • Adult Suffrage.
  • An Independent Judiciary.

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What are the salient features?

Salient means important.
Features are the characteristics orspecial ingredients which make up a thing. For example, afeature seen on any modern smartphone is their large touchscreen. A salient feature is a strong or dominantcharacteristic, tone, or theme something has.

Sari Filpo


Why is preamble very important?

The preamble highlights the fundamentalvalues and guiding principles of our constitution. Thepreamble to our constitution serves two purposes: It indicatesthe source from which the constitution gets itsauthority. It also states the objects which theconstitution seeks to establish and promote.

Urbana Ouchene


What is constitutionalism and its features?

Features (Characteristics) ofConstitutionalism
According to Barnett, constitutionalism embraceslimitation of power (limited. government), separation of powers(checks and balances) and responsible and. accountablegovernment.2. Henkin3 identifies popular sovereignty, ruleof.

Beimar Nageswar


What are the features of preamble?

Features of the Preamble
  • The preamble is like a 'Jewel' set in the constitution.
  • It embodies the spirit of the constitution, the determinationof the Indian people to unite them in a common adventure ofbuilding up a new and independent nation which will ensure thetriumph of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity.

Darina Rohrmann


What is the importance of Constitution?

The Constitution is important because itprotects individual freedom, and its fundamental principles governthe United States. The Constitution places the government'spower in the hands of the citizens. It limits the power of thegovernment and establishes a system of checks andbalances.

Cristen Humanes


What are the functions of constitution?

The Constitution has three main functions.First it creates a national government consisting of a legislative,an executive, and a judicial branch, with a system of checks andbalances among the three branches. Second, it divides power betweenthe federal government and the states.

Jianqin Carabelos


Why do we need a Constitution?

Answer: A Constitution helps serve as a set ofrules and principles that all persons in a country can agree uponas the basis of the way in which they want the country to begoverned. The constitution also spells out the ideals thecitizens believe that their country should uphold.That iswhy we need a Constituition.

Yanjun Haupeltshofer


What are the types of constitution?

Different Types of Constitution
  • Codified, Uncodified, Flexible and InflexibleConstitutions.
  • Monarchical and Republican Constitutions.
  • Presidential and Parliamentary Constitutions.
  • Federal and Unitary Constitutions.
  • Political and Legal Constitutions.
  • CASES.

Yuk Perot


What are the important features of Indian 20 Constitution?

Features of the Indian Constitution
  • The bulkiest constitution of the world.
  • Rigidity and flexibility.
  • Parliamentary system of government.
  • Federal system with a unitary bias.
  • Fundamental rights and fundamental duties.
  • Directive principles of state policy.
  • Secularism.
  • Independent judiciary.

Olin Valsan


What is single citizenship?

Single citizenship entitles a citizenbelonging to a country to have citizenship status of thatcountry alone. EXPLANATION: Citizenship refers to the statusof a person under legal and constitutional laws as belonging to aparticular country.

Denis Botger


Who made Indian Constitution?

Dr. B.R Ambedkar, chairman of the Drafting Committee, isoften called the father of the Indian Constitution. The 389members of the Constituent Assembly formed many committees toexamine in detail all the issues relating to thecountry.

Rayner Dierkes


What type of constitution does India have?

The Republic is governed in terms of theConstitution of India which was adopted by theConstituent Assembly on 26th November, 1949 and came into force on26th January, 1950. The Constitution provides for aParliamentary form of government which is federal instructure with certain unitary features.

Saioa Goricke


Zoraida Willson


What are the five main points of the Constitution?

While different lists of such main points may includedifferent things, the following five things are veryimportant.
  • Popular government. The Constitution guarantees us the right toelect the people who make up our government.
  • Separation of powers.
  • Checks and balances.
  • Federalism.
  • Limited government.

Rafa Garaialde


What are the three organs of state?

Any of the three primary divisions of astate's sovereignty (namely, the executive, the legislature,or the judiciary); the powers of each having been divided andbalanced in accordance with the political principle of theseparation of powers.

Reed Correira


What are the functions of Constitution of India?

The Fundamental rights are deliberately one of the mostimportant functions of the Indian Constitution.Theconstitution also plays a central role in definingthe duties of the citizens of the country under Article 51A knownas “Fundamental Duties”.Being framed by the 'people ofIndia', it functions as an equal

Kangwei Basazabal


What a constitution means?

A constitution is a statement of the basicprinciples and laws of a nation, state, or group, such as the U.S.Constitution. Another very common meaning ofconstitution is the physical makeup of a person. If you havea strong constitution, it means you don't get sickvery often.