Asked by: Burkhard Anquetil
science chemistry

What are the products of light and dark reactions?

Difference between Light and Dark Reaction
Light Reaction Dark Reaction
The end products are ATP and NADPH. Glucose is the end product. ATP and NADPH help in the formation of glucose.
The water molecules split into hydrogen and oxygen. Glucose is produced. Co2 is utilized in the dark reaction.

Herein, what are the products of dark reactions?

The dark reaction occurs outside of the thylakoids. In this reaction, the energy from ATP and NADPH are used to fix carbon dioxide (CO2). The products of this reaction are sugar molecules and other organic molecules necessary for cell function and metabolism.

Also, what are light and dark reactions? Light reactions need light to produce organic energy molecules (ATP and NADPH). They are initiated by colored pigments, mainly green colored chlorophylls. Dark reactions make use of these organic energy molecules (ATP and NADPH). This reaction cycle is also called Calvin Benison Cycle, and it occurs in the stroma.

Hereof, what are the end products of light and dark reaction?

There are two end products of the light reaction of photosynthesis, ATP and NADPH. These molecules are produced during the cyclic and the non-cyclic photophosphorylation reactions. These are the products which are used in the dark reactions.

What are the products of light phase?

In this cycle ATP and NADPH, produced in the light stage, provide the energy and electrons to change carbon dioxide (CO2) to carbohydrates (C H O) molecules. Although this stage is called the dark stage it occurs in light and also in darkness as long as the products of the light phase are still available.

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What is the process of dark reaction?

The Calvin cycle is also called dark reactions or light-independent reactions because it's the part that doesn't need energy from the sun to happen. This reaction creates a 6-carbon molecule which then splits into two 3-carbon molecules. This part of the cycle is called carbon fixation.

Satou De Lamo


What is dark reaction in biology?

dark reaction. Any of the chemical reactions that take place during the second stage of photosynthesis and do not require light. During the dark reactions, energy released from ATP (created by the light reactions) drives the fixation of carbon from carbon dioxide in organic molecules.

Remedio Beamonte


Do dark reactions occur at night?

It is a process in which light energy converts into chemical energy. Dark reaction of photosynthesis does not require light. Both the light and dark reactions occur in the day. As dark reaction does not require light it doesn't meant it occurs at night it only requires products of light reaction like ATP and NADPH.

Xianjun Kalluri


How many ATP are used in dark reaction?

In Dark Reaction, 6 ATPs are required for converting 6 molecules of phosphoglycerate into 6 molecules of Bisphosphoglycerate. Since 2 Dark Reactions take place to produce one glucose molecule, therefore 12 ATPs are required in Dark Reaction to produce 1 glucose molecule.

Gustavo Beuschlein


What is dark and light reaction in photosynthesis?

What is the difference between light and dark reaction? The light reaction is the initial stage of photosynthesis which traps light energy to produce ATP and NADPH whereas dark reaction is the second step of photosynthesis which utilizes the energy from ATP and NADPH to produce glucose.

Azarias Gauser


Can the Calvin cycle run at night?

Though it is called the "dark reactions", the Calvin cycle does not actually occur in the dark or during nighttime.

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What are the products of glycolysis?

Glycolysis involves the breaking down of a sugar (generally glucose, although fructose and other sugars may be used) into more manageable compounds in order to produce energy. The net end products of glycolysis are two Pyruvate, two NADH, and two ATP (A special note on the "two" ATP later).

Neonila Parames


What is a stack of thylakoids called?

A granum (plural grana) is a stack of thylakoid discs. Chloroplasts can have from 10 to 100 grana. Grana are connected by stroma thylakoids, also called intergranal thylakoids or lamellae.

Taunya Vanyat


What is difference between light and dark reaction?

Light reaction takes place in the grana thylakoids of the chloroplast. Dark reaction takes place in the Stroma of the chloroplast. In light reaction, H+ ions are utilized by NADP ( Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate) to form NADPH. In light reaction, the water molecule splits and oxygen is released.

Alexander Badiola


What is the difference between light reactions and Calvin cycle?

Light-dependent reactions, which take place in the thylakoid membrane, use light energy to make ATP and NADPH. The Calvin cycle, which takes place in the stroma, uses energy derived from these compounds to make GA3P from CO2.

Jamshed Armisen


What is the main product of the light reaction?

The Light Reactions
The energy is then temporarily transferred to two molecules, ATP and NADPH, which are used in the second stage of photosynthesis. ATP and NADPH are generated by two electron transport chains. During the light reactions, water is used and oxygen is produced.

Ricart Corripio


What is produced in the light reaction?

These electrons are used to produce NADPH as well as ATP in a series of reactions called the light reactions because they require light. NADPH and ATP formed by the action of light then reduce carbon dioxide and convert it into 3-phosphoglycerate by a series of reactions called the Calvin cycle or the dark reactions.

Deniz Findley


Which is a product of the light reaction answers?

Answer: ATP, NADPH and oxygen are the products of light reaction. Explanation: Light reaction occurs in the presence of sunlight and is the first phase of photosynthesis reaction.

Goiuria Hagias


What is the importance of the light and dark reaction in photosynthesis?

What is the importance of the light and dark reactions in photosynthesis? During the light reactions of photosynthesis, light energy from the sun is captured and used to make ATP and NADPH. During the dark reactions, ATP, NADPH, and carbon dioxide combine to make glucose and other compounds.

Chomicha Naysmith


What is the purpose of the Calvin cycle?

Converting Carbon Dioxide and Water Into Glucose
In the most general sense, the primary function of the Calvin cycle is to make organic products that plants need using the products from the light reactions of photosynthesis (ATP and NADPH).

Yvonne Bernbaum


Why is the Calvin cycle considered a dark reaction?

The Calvin cycle is a dark reaction because it does not need sunlight. Although it can happen during the day, this process does not require energy from the sun to work. Other names for the Calvin cycle include the Calvin-Benson cycle, light-independent reaction, carbon fixation and C3 pathway.

Sukhvinder Diaz


What is ATP and Nadph?

ATP and NADPH are the main product of the Light reactions of photosynthesis. ATP provides the free energy to power the Calvin Cycle (a.k.a. the Dark reactions). NADPH is the key electron donor (reducing agent). This provides the hydrogen and electrons needed to combine carbon dioxide into carbohydrate molecules.

Aiwei Etaio


What is light reaction in biology?

Definition. The series of biochemical reactions in photosynthesis that require light energy that is captured by light-absorbing pigments (such as chlorophyll) to be converted into chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH. Supplement. The light reactions take place on the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast.

Lucrecio Agnischock


Where does light reaction and dark reaction occur?

The "light-independent" or dark reactions happen in the stroma of the chloroplasts. This is also known as the Calvin Cycle. Since these processes can only happen in the chloroplast (a chlorophyll filled plastid in green plants), photosynthesis can only happen in green plants!