Asked by: Yiping Lesarri
science chemistry

What are the reactants of aerobic respiration?

In addition, the reactants for aerobic respiration is both oxygen and glucose, yet for anaerobic the reactant is just glucose. The reaction site in the cell for aerobic is in the cytoplasm or mitochondria, and just in the cytoplasm for anaerobic respiration.

Moreover, what are the products of aerobic respiration?

Cells undergoing aerobic respiration produce 6 molecules of carbon dioxide, 6 molecules of water, and up to 30 molecules of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is directly used to produce energy, from each molecule of glucose in the presence of surplus oxygen.

Likewise, where do the reactants of aerobic respiration come from? The reactants in aerobic respiration include oxygen and glucose. Oxygen enters the cell by diffusion. It is first transported to the cells via the red corpuscles. These contain hemoglobin, a transporter protein that carries oxygen to the cells of the body.

Then, what are the 3 reactants of aerobic cellular respiration?

Oxygen and glucose are both reactants in the process of cellular respiration. The main product of cellular respiration is ATP; waste products include carbon dioxide and water.

What is aerobic respiration equation?

Aerobic respiration takes place in the mitochondria and requires oxygen and glucose, and produces carbon dioxide, water, and energy. The chemical equation is C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O (glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water). Anaerobic respiration takes place in the cell cytoplasm and produces lactic acid.

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What is the end product of aerobic?

The end products of aerobic respiration are 38 atp of energy, carbon dioxide and water while of anaerobic respiration is ethanol and 2atp of energy. Aerobic respiration occurs when your cells produce energy in the presence of oxygen.

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Why do we need aerobic respiration?

Aerobic respiration
Glucose and oxygen react together in cells to produce carbon dioxide and water and releases energy. The reaction is called aerobic respiration because oxygen from the air is needed for it to work.

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What are the products of glycolysis?

Glycolysis involves the breaking down of a sugar (generally glucose, although fructose and other sugars may be used) into more manageable compounds in order to produce energy. The net end products of glycolysis are two Pyruvate, two NADH, and two ATP (A special note on the "two" ATP later).

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What is the end product of anaerobic respiration?

The end products of anaerobic respiration are Lactic acid or ethanol and ATP molecules. Anaerobic respiration takes place in the absence of oxygen and is seen in lower animals. During the process of Anaerobic Respiration in prokaryotes, there is a breakdown of glucose to produce energy for cellular activities.

Nohara Mintz


What are the products of respiration?

Cellular respiration is this process in which oxygen and glucose are used to create ATP, carbon dioxide, and water. ATP, carbon dioxide, and water are all products of this process because they are what is created. Carbon dioxide is released as a gas when you exhale.

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What is the correct order for respiration?

What is the correct order for respiration? A. Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, glycolysis.

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What is ATP used for?

The Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule is the nucleotide known in biochemistry as the "molecular currency" of intracellular energy transfer; that is, ATP is able to store and transport chemical energy within cells. ATP also plays an important role in the synthesis of nucleic acids.

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How ATP is produced?

Although cells continuously break down ATP to obtain energy, ATP also is constantly being synthesized from ADP and phosphate through the processes of cellular respiration. Most of the ATP in cells is produced by the enzyme ATP synthase, which converts ADP and phosphate to ATP.

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Merlita Tecklenborg


How is glucose broken down?

The series of steps where glucose is broken down to release energy begins with a metabolic pathway called glycolysis. If oxygen is present, then glucose can be broken all the way down into carbon dioxide and water. This process is called aerobic respiration because it requires air (oxygen).

Elide Ramallo


What are the two chemical products of aerobic respiration?

Here, the glucose and oxygen take part in a chemical reaction. The reaction is called aerobic respiration, and it produces energy which transfers to the cells. Aerobic respiration makes two waste products:carbon dioxide and water.

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What are the two types of fermentation?

The two most common types of fermentation are (1) alcoholic fermentation and (2) lactic acid fermentation. (1) Alcoholic fermentation : the type of fermentation in which ethyl alcohol is the main end product . This is very common in yeast (unicellular fungus) and also seen in some bacteria.

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What happens to the water in aerobic respiration?

Aerobic respiration breaks down glucose and combines the broken down products with oxygen, making water and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is a waste product of aerobic respiration because cells do not need it.

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How is lactic acid removed?

When a period of exercise is over, lactic acid must be removed. Lactic acid is taken to the liver by the blood, and either: oxidised to carbon dioxide and water, or. converted to glucose, then glycogen - glycogen levels in the liver and muscles can then be restored.

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What is aerobic respiration in simple words?

Aerobic respiration is the process by which oxygen-breathing creatures turn fuel, such as fats and sugars, into energy. Respiration is a process used by all cells to turn fuel, which contains stored energy, into a usable form. This is because oxygen is an excellent electron acceptor for the chemical reaction.

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What is the difference between breathing and respiration?

What is the difference between breathing and respiration? Breathing is the physical process where you inhale and exhale air in and out of your lungs. Respiration is a chemical reaction where Oxygen is used to breakdown Glucose in order to generate energy which is then used by the cell to function.

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What is the aerobic respiration?

Aerobic respiration is the process of producing cellular energy involving oxygen. Cells break down food in the mitochondria in a long, multistep process that produces roughly 36 ATP. The first step in is glycolysis, the second is the citric acid cycle and the third is the electron transport system.

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What is difference between aerobic and anaerobic?

Differences. As we touched on, the main difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration is whether or not oxygen is present. During aerobic respiration, carbon dioxide, water, and ATP are produced. During anaerobic respiration, lactic acid, ethanol, and ATP are created.