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Asked by: Norddin Teterichev
hobbies and interests woodworkingWhat are the standard lengths for 2x4?
In this way, what are standard wood sizes?
It is thus possible to find 2×4s that are four, eight, and twelve feet in length. In Canada and the United States, the standard lengths of lumber are 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 feet (1.83, 2.44, 3.05, 3.66, 4.27, 4.88, 5.49, 6.10, 6.71 and 7.32 meters).
Series Name | N/A |
Common Measurement (T x W) | 2-in x 4-in |
Common Length in Feet | 8-ft |
Common Length in Inches | 96-in |
Grade | Stud |
Additionally, how long are 2x4 at Home Depot?
Common: 2 in. x 4 in. x 8 ft.; Actual: 1.5 in. x 3.5 in.
Size standards, maximum moisture content, and nomenclature were agreed upon only as recently as 1964. The nominal 2x4 thus became the actual 1½ x 3½, imperceptibly, a fraction of an inch at a time. It was a 34 percent reduction in actual volume; as those in the trade would say, it's “selling air.”