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Asked by: Calisto Niemeier
hobbies and interests card gamesWhat are the three starters in Pokemon Snakewood?
Also question is, what is Pokemon Snakewood?
Comments (27) Share. Pokémon Snakewood isa hacked ROM of Pokémon Ruby, created by ROM hackerCutlerine. The game is set a few years after the events of Ruby,and you play as the younger brother or sister of Ruby's protagonist(called Landon in this game).
Then, how do you get surf in Pokemon Snakewood?
After you beat Pestilence go to the cave that is inEndless Plains and get HM01: Cut (the item ball). Then go toRoute 115 and battle the girl with the Cool Trainer overworld toget the Balance Badge and steal the Black Belt's Magikarp asit holds HM: 03 Surf. Then you Surf south towardsDewford.
Pokémon Dark Rising is a Game Mod romhackof Pokémon FireRed created by DarkRisingGirl in 2012.Another noticeable aspect of the hack is the inclusion ofPokémon from Pokémon Diamond and Pearland Pokémon Black and White, but without thePhysical/Special attack split from these games.