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Simply so, what types of hydrocarbons are saturated?
Saturated hydrocarbons are the simplest ofthehydrocarbon species. They are composed entirely ofsinglebonds and are saturated with hydrogen. The formulaforacyclic saturated hydrocarbons (i.e., alkanes)isCnH2n+2. Themostgeneral form of saturated hydrocarbonsisCnH2n+2(1-r),wherer is the number of rings.
Similarly, you may ask, what is meant by saturated hydrocarbons?
Saturated hydrocarbons are molecules withonlysingle bonds. They consist of a carbon atom bonded to amaximumnumber of hydrogen atoms. Alkanes are saturatedhydrocarbonsand classified as a type of aliphatichydrocarbon. Eachsingle bond in a saturatedhydrocarbon is a covalentbond.
Unlike saturated hydrocarbons in whichallhydrogen atoms and carbon atoms are bonded together withsinglebonds, unsaturated hydrocarbons have double or eventriplebonds between the carbon atoms.