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Asked by: Sugoi Mclean
technology and computing computer networkingWhat are two functions of intermediary devices on a network?
Keeping this in view, what are the functions of intermediary devices?
Intermediary devices interconnect enddevices. These devices provide connectivity and workbehind the scenes to ensure that data flows across the network.Intermediary devices connect the individual hosts to thenetwork and can connect multiple individual networks to form aninternetwork.
Accordingly, what two criteria are used to help select a network?
(Choose two.) Explanation:Criteria forchoosing a network medium are the distance the selectedmedium can successfully carry a signal, the environment inwhich the selected medium is to be installed, the amount ofdata and the speed at which the data must be transmitted, and thecost of the medium and its installation.
(Choose three.)
- router.
- server.
- switch.
- workstation.
- network printer.
- wireless access point. Explanation: Intermediate devices in anetwork provide network connectivity to end devices and transferuser data packets during data communications.