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Keeping this in consideration, what is an indirect verbal prompt?
A verbal prompt can be indirect or directproviding verbal instructions on what the student is to do.An indirect verbal prompt provides a cue that something isexpected of the student, but very little information is given suchas: "What do you do next?"
Simply so, what are visual prompts?
However, visual prompts and some positionalprompts can be considered stimulus prompts. Stimulusprompts are a type of visual prompt in which the cueis built into the stimulus. Teaching a student to read the word redby making the word red and then fading it to black.
Prompts are designed to lead the student to thecorrect answer or response. Cue: A cue is just a hintand does not lead the student to the correct answer. Now manypeople use these words interchangeably, but its really not a goodidea when you are writing goals or reports.