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Beside this, what does the 7 chakras mean?
Chakras are the circular vortexes of energythatare placed in seven different points on the spinalcolumn,and all the seven chakras are connected to thevariousorgans and glands within the body. These chakrasareresponsible for disturbing the life energy, which is also knownasQi or Praana.
- Muladhara (the Root Chakra) Muladhara (literally,“rootsupport”) is located at the base of thespine.
- Svadhisthana (the Sacral Chakra)
- Manipura (the Navel Chakra)
- Anahata (the Heart Chakra)
- Vishuddha (the Throat Chakra)
- Ajna (the Third-Eye Chakra)
- Sahasrara (the Crown Chakra)
Also asked, what are your chakras and what do they do?
The chakras are thought to vitalisethephysical body and to be associated with interactions of aphysical,emotional and mental nature. The function ofthechakras is to spin and draw in this energy to keepthespiritual, mental, emotional and physical health ofthe bodyin balance.
Understand that if you are openingyourchakras, there is no need to try to makeover-activechakras less active. They are simplycompensating forthe inactivity of closed chakras. Once allof thechakras are opened, the energy evens out, andbecomesbalanced. Open the Root Chakra(red).