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Asked by: Caryn Gutstein
real estate real estate renting and leasingWhat can a landlord do with your bank account number?
Consequently, is it safe to give bank account number on rental application?
Some rental lease applications ask for your bank account numbers and balance amounts. That's too much information and you shouldn't provide it to anyone. If it's a deal breaker, find other places to rent with more reasonable applications, unless you really don't have any other option.
Similarly one may ask, what can someone do with your bank account number?
- They can use your account number for online shopping if they also have your driver's license information.
- They can withdraw money from your account if they also have your personal information.
- They can deposit money into your account.
Yes, it is safe. Bank account numbers are not necessarily supposed to be secret. Not only is sharing your account number safe, it is standard practice for the receiving party to make their account number and routing details known to the paying party.