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Commonly accepted forms of proof of IDinclude;work ID badge, photo-card driving licence andpassport, butthere is no legal requirement to carry any IDat anytime.
Thereof, what are valid forms of ID in the UK?
Personal Identity:
- Current valid (signed) full EU Passport.
- Current valid (signed) non EU Passport.
- Current valid National ID card (non UK Nationals)
- Current Full2 UK Driving Licence.
- Current UK / EU Photocard Driving Licence1withCounterpart.
- Current Firearms/Shotgun Certificate.
- Current State Pension notification letter.
Likewise, people ask, what can you use as proof of ID?
- The following forms of proof of place of residenceareaccepted:
- Utility company bills.
- Bank statement.
- Photographic ID.
- Tax assessment.
- Certificate of voter registration.
- Correspondence from a government authority regarding thereceiptof benefits.
- Mortgage statement.
A campus card is more commonly known asastudent card or student ID card. It isanidentification document certifying the status ofastudent. Campus cards are usually valid foronesemester (possibly two), and must be renewed or extendedafterthat.