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Also asked, what causes increased urine output?
Excessive urine output can sometimes signal healthproblems,including:
- bladder infection (common in children and women)
- urinary incontinence.
- diabetes.
- interstitial nephritis.
- kidney failure.
- kidney stones.
- psychogenic polydipsia, a mental disorder causingexcessivethirst.
- sickle cell anemia.
Simply so, what conditions can cause polyuria and polydipsia?
In the absence of diabetes mellitus and diuretic use,themost common causes of chronic polyuria areprimarypolydipsia, central diabetes insipidus, andnephrogenicdiabetes insipidus. Hypernatremia can indicatecentral ornephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Abrupt onset ofpolyuriasuggests central diabetes insipidus.
Polyuria: The excessive passage of urine (atleast2.5 liters per day for an adult) resulting in profuseurination andurinary frequency (the need to urinate frequently).Polyuriais a classic sign of diabetes mellitus thatis under poorcontrol or is not yet undertreatment.