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To qualify for Uber Comfort, drivers need a car thatmeets higher and consistent vehicle make, model, year and legroomrequirements, like the Toyota Camry, Honda Odyssey orChevy Tahoe. They also must maintain a 4.85 or higher rating to beeligible.
Herein, what vehicles qualify for Uber comfort?
- Maintain eligibility on a different Uber option such as UberX,Select, UberXL, Uber Black, or Uber Black SUV.
- Have a minimum star rating of 4.85 based on at least 250trips.
- Drive a vehicle with more legroom than smaller, compact carseligible for UberX and that meet the minimum vehicle yearrequirement.
- Vehicle year must be of year 2012 or newer.
- Vehicle must have black paint on black leather interior.
- Vehicle must be in excellent condition.
- Vehicle must have commercial registration and insurance, andcity-specific airport permits if in a city is within airport.
what is an uber comfort?
Uber Comfort: built with more inmind Uber Comfort is a product for riders and driversthat connects riders with newer, spacious cars. It includesenhanced rider preferences and a new fee structure that givesriders more time to get to the car. See new rates>
It's also more expensive: riders canexpect to pay around 20 to 40 percent more than atypical Uber X trip, according to a spokesperson. Driverswho want to accept Uber Comfort ride requests willneed to meet several requirements, including a 4.85-star averagerating and a car that is a maximum of five yearsold.