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Over time, gas can build up in the areas surrounding thejoint, forming tiny bubbles in the synovial fluid. When you bendyour knee, some of the bubbles burst, and ligaments may snapor pop. This is normal, and happens to everyone from time totime. Arthritis, on the other hand, damages cartilage andbone.
Accordingly, what does it mean when your knee pops?
Or the clicking and popping may be causedby catching on soft tissue or scar tissue within the knee.This kind of popping is often a sign that you have ameniscus tear or that a small piece of loose cartilage is caught inthe knee. You would most likely feel this kind ofpopping pain come and go.
Moreover, what should you do if your knee pops?
Simple stretch to pop your knee
- Take the pressure off your knee by sitting down.
- Extend your leg straight in front of you and point your toeupward.
- Raise your leg up as high as it can go. Bend your knee in andout toward the rest of your body until you hear a pop.
If you've torn your meniscus, you might have the followingsigns and symptoms in your knee:
- A popping sensation.
- Swelling or stiffness.
- Pain, especially when twisting or rotating your knee.
- Difficulty straightening your knee fully.
- Feeling as though your knee is locked in place when you try tomove it.