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Dry mouth can be due to certain healthconditions,such as diabetes, stroke, yeast infection (thrush) inyourmouth or Alzheimer's disease, or due to autoimmunediseases,such as Sjogren's syndrome or HIV/AIDS. Snoring andbreathing withyour mouth open also can contribute to drymouth.Tobacco and alcohol use.
Regarding this, what is a dry mouth a sign of?
Dry mouth is also known as xerostomia. It'sacondition that happens when salivary glands in yourmouthdon't produce enough saliva. It causes a parched, ordry,feeling in your mouth. It can also cause othersymptoms,such as rough tongue, mouth sores, andcrackedlips.
One may also ask, what helps a dry mouth and throat?
In addition to the advice from your doctor, these tipsmayhelp relieve your dry mouth symptoms:
- Sip water or sugar-free drinks or suck ice chips throughouttheday to moisten your mouth, and drink water during meals toaidchewing and swallowing.
- Chew sugar-free gum or suck on sugar-free hard candies.
Fear, stress, anxiety, and depression may leadtodry mouth. Some people report the sensation ofchronicdry mouth, even though their salivary glandsarenormal.