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Besides, what does it mean if SHBG is high?
A high SHBG level means that it is likelythat less free testosterone is available to your tissues than isindicated by the total testosterone test. A low SHBG levelmeans that more of the total testosterone is bioavailableand not bound to SHBG. Increased SHBG levels may beseen in: Liver disease.
- Eat plenty of plants to get plenty of carbohydrates. Includelots of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower tohelp metabolize excess estrogen which further lowers SHBG.
- Supplement with boron 5-10mg/day.
- Supplement with DIM to improve estrogen metabolism /elimination which further lowers SHBG.
Furthermore, does SHBG increase with age?
SHBG decreases in response to androgens, and inthe presence of hypothyroidism, and insulin resistance. PlasmaSHBG levels tend to increase with increasingage but remain inversely associated with plasma insulin andtriglyceride levels irrespective of age.
Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is a proteinproduced mainly in the liver. It binds certain hormones, including:testosterone. dihydrotestosterone (DHT) estradiol (anestrogen)