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Keeping this in consideration, what kind of clothes did cowboys wear?
Generally, cowboys wore vests with standard workshirts, but not if the cowboy was wearing abib shirt. Durable canvas, wool, and leather were common vestmaterials.
Beside above, why did cowboys wear so much clothing?
Vests provided extra pockets so cowboys oftenwore them even in warm weather. Most cowboys also tiedbandannas around their necks. They used these to cover the mouthand nose during a dust storm or, dipped in water, it would bring abit of coolness to the neck and face during the heat ofsummer.
Cowboys avoided Levi jeans because theywere considered poor man's wear, as they were mainly worn bygold miners, farmers and the lower classes. Sometime around 1900,many cowboys changed from wool or tight-fitting“California foxed pants” and corduroypants to the rugged Levis.