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Asked by: Beckie Juge
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryWhat color is Hinata Hyuga hair?
dark blue
Herein, what color is Hinata's eyes?
Subsequently, one may also ask, why did Hinata cut her hair in Boruto?
During the run of Naruto it was keptshort, because of shame and embarrassment. In asian culturewhen one has dishonored themselves or family they oftenhad their hair cut to signify their status. Hinatawas considered a pathetic disgrace within the Hyuga's andhad her hair cut. That's why she's mopingaround.
Hinata was originally set to be the heiress ofher Hyuga clan. Due to the fact that Hiashi was the headof the Hyuga clan, Hinata and her family expected agreat future from her.