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Asked by: Olguita Cocks
style and fashion womens shoes and footwearWhat color scheme is green and orange?
- Name: Yellow-Green.
- Hex: #92cd28.
- RGB: (146, 205, 40)
- CMYK: 0.287, 0, 0.804, 0.196.
Likewise, people ask, what color goes with orange and green?
Burnt Orange + Turf Green + Warm White Mix orange and green and the result is brown. These tones are found in a combination on a brown chair and separately in vibrant, earthy accents in this mostly white room.
Likewise, people ask, what color compliments green?
Red, yellow, blue, orange, purple and brown all go well with the color green. Green also goes with other shades of green or shades of red, yellow, blue and brown. Green is a secondary color, a combination of the two primary colors blue and yellow.
Wear Orange with Cobalt Blue Orange and blue are complementary colors, and thus, they of course look great together.