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In respect to this, how long was an apprenticeship in colonial times?
“Apprentices had to work seven yearstolearn their trades.” It is awfully easy toover-generalize.In colonial Virginia, the length of anapprenticeshipwas a mutually agreed upon period oftime, not alwaysseven years.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what kind of jobs were there in colonial times?
Jobs, Trades, and Occupations
- Apothecary. The apothecaries of colonial times were similartotoday's pharmacists.
- Blacksmith. The blacksmith was one of the mostimportanttradesmen of any colonial settlement.
- Cabinetmaker.
- Chandler (candlemaker)
- Cobbler (shoemaker)
- Cooper.
- Gunsmith.
- Milliner.
The system of apprenticeship first developedinthe later Middle Ages and came to be supervised bycraftguilds and town governments. A master craftsman was entitledtoemploy young people as an inexpensive form of labour inexchangefor providing food, lodging and formal training inthecraft.