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In this manner, what did explorers eat on their ships?
Vegetables and meat were usually pickled orsaltedtopreserve the food. Ships on long voyages reliedonbiscuits,dried beans and salted beef to live. For drinking,seamenchosebeer or ale rather than water.
In respect to this, what did rich people eat in the 16th century?
In the 16th century rich people stillateavariety of food with a great deal of meat.Howeverpoorpeople usually ate dreary food. In themorningtheyhad bread and cheese and onions. They onlyhadonecooked meal a day.
Barley, oat and rye were eaten by thepoor.Wheatwas for the governing classes. These were consumedasbread,porridge, gruel and pasta by all of society's members.Favabeansand vegetables were important supplements tothecereal-baseddiet of the lower orders.