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Hereof, does bleach kill HPV virus?
Results show that glutaraldehyde is not effectiveatinactivating the HPV virus. "So unless bleachorautoclaving is used in the hospital setting, humanpapillomavirusis not being killed and there is a potential spreadof HPVthrough hospital acquired or instrument ortoolinfection."
People also ask, can anything kill HPV virus?
This is why experts say there isno“cure” for HPV, as the virusmaystill be present even though there are no signs of infection,likepre-cancerous lesions or genital warts. Some websitestoutnutritional or herbal supplements that are claimed toeithercure the virus or speednaturalclearance.
2.3 Persistence. HPVs are very stableviruses,able to survive on fomites andsurfaces for days(Ryndock & Meyers, 2014). HPV isresistant to heat anddrying, and is able to survive oninanimate objects, such asclothing and laboratory equipment, thathave come into contact withinfected patients.