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Also to know is, do moths eat your clothes?
Simply put, it's impossible for adult mothstoeat your threads. Moth larvae have a fairlyspecificdiet, and so female moths typically pickclothes madefrom animal fibers such as silk, wool, cashmere,angora or fur,materials that contain keratin.
In this regard, what does the giant leopard moth eat?
Giant leopard moth caterpillars enjoymunchingleafy plants like dandelions, violets, honeysuckle, citrusplants,magnolias, lilacs, and broadleaf plantains. If you don'tfind theplants in nature, you can buy a small pottedplant.
Adult moths lay tiny eggs on leaves andtwigs.These eggs hatch into larvae that are commonlycalledcaterpillars. The hairs of these caterpillarsareparticularly troubling because they can becomeairborne; thehairs are irritating when they touch the skin,but ifinhaled they can cause allergicreactions.