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- Check your item's delivery information. If youritemhasn't arrived yet it may still be in transit, so the firstthingto do is to check the delivery information.
- Let the seller know your item hasn't arrived.
- Get your refund.
- Get help from eBay.
- Canceling your case.
Herein, how long does an eBay seller have to ship?
7 days
Also question is, what happens if eBay seller doesn't refund?
If the seller does not respond withasolution, the buyer can ask eBay to step in and help.Foritems where the buyer has uploaded tracking, iftheseller doesn't issue a refund within 2 businessdaysof the item's delivery to the seller, we willautomaticallyissue the buyer a full refund on theseller'sbehalf.
If the seller does notclick“Ship”, the order status will showas“Awaiting Seller to Ship” untiltheindicated shipping time has passed. If thetimelapses without the seller shipping the item,theorder will automatically be canceled and the buyer will receiveafull refund.