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Asked by: Lasha Guzevatov
automotive certified pre owned carsWhat do I do if my Lyft driver doesn't show up?
- Tap to arrive at the pickup location.
- Wait for the timer to count down to 0:00.
- Attempt to contact the passenger, or respond to the passengercontacting you.
- Cancel the ride by tapping 'Passenger is no-show' andthen tap 'Confirm no-show'
Also asked, how much does LYFT charge for no show?
For no-shows (i.e., a passengernever meets their awaiting vehicle), passengers will becharged a $5 no-show fee under the followingconditions: A Lyft driver has arrived at the correctlocation, and has waited for your arrival. A Lyft driver haswaited at least 5 minutes for your arrival.
- Tap the Menu icon (☰) on the home screen.
- Tap Ride History.
- Find the ride and tap it.
- Scroll to the bottom and tap “Get Help”
- Select the issue that applies to your ride. Some contain a“Dispute fare or charge” button.
Accordingly, do Lyft drivers get penalized for Cancelling?
The company does not charge riders acancellation fee if a driver is late by five or more minutesbased on the estimated time of arrival when a trip is accepted.Lyft said it has a number of measures to ensure driversdo not cancel on riders, and to detect whendrivers take inefficient routes.
Driver pay includes time spentwaiting, starting one minute after you've confirmed yourarrival (read our step-by-step guide on how to give Lyftrides). Lyft ride fare includes: Base Fare: The amountpassengers pay to start the ride.