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Similarly, you may ask, what do guests wear to a baptism?
The guests should wear Church-appropriateclothes, whether that is a dress, pants and a nice top, or apantsuit.
Secondly, is it OK to wear black to a baptism?
ANYTHING TOO SOMBRE: People often wonder if they canwear black to a christening, and the answer to this one isyes: unlike weddings, there aren't many colour-relatedsuperstitions related to christenings, and black should befine, as long as the outfit affects the occasion.
It has been a tradition for infants to wear whiteon their christening. White has been a famous choicebecause it symbolizes the purity and youth of the infant beingbaptized. This, however, is not compulsory; although somechurches provide white baptism bibs and coats forrent.