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Asked by: Isatou Pelotte
video gaming exercise and fitness video gamesWhat do Nanites do in Terraria?
Then, how do Nanites work?
The nanites undergo binary cell fission. You encourage half of your nanites to attach themselves onto the surface of the thing being built. The nanites, using the same internal machinery used to initially build themselves, start unbuilding themselves and attaching those molecules to what's being built. Repeat.
Consequently, what are cogs used for in Terraria?
each. They are used to make High Velocity Bullets, Liquid Sensors and the Steampunk furniture set. When Cogs are placed together they will display animated machinery. Four Cogs appear to be the minimum amount required for this.
Flasks are a type of consumable item crafted at the Imbuing Station. Each provides the player with a buff that causes their melee attacks to inflict an additional debuff.