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Likewise, what do prairie dogs live in?
Prairie Dogs. These charismatic,rabbit-sizerodents live on North America's prairies and opengrasslandsin only a fraction of their former numbers. Prairiedogs livein underground burrows, extensive warrens of tunnelsandchambers marked by many mounds of packed earth at theirsurfaceentrances.
Considering this, what are prairie dogs good for?
Scapegoated for crop damage and livestockinjuries,prairie dogs are used as live targets in organizedshoots onpublic lands, miles away from crops and cattle. Prairiedogsplay an important role in the ecosystem. They provide foodforpredators and shelter for other burrowing animals.
Prairie dogs eat grass, leaves androotssurrounding their town. They do not drinkbecausethey get all of the water they need fromtheplants.