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Most shorebirds are carnivorous and eat a range of insects, mollusks, crustaceans, worms, larvae, tadpoles, and similar prey. Physically, these birds have round heads, generally longer legs, and very useful bills to probe for food in the sand, mud, gravel, and water.
In respect to this, what do common sandpipers eat?
Common sandpiper often flies close to the ground or surface of the water. Common sandpiper is diurnal bird (active during the day). Common sandpiper is an omnivore (it eats both plants and meat). Its diet consists of insects, spiders, crustaceans, worms, tadpoles, frogs and seed.
One may also ask, what animals eat shorebirds?
Adult spotted sandpipers are hunted by least weasels, short-tailed weasels and raptors.
Shorebirds aren't built for sleeping in trees or floating on the water so they have to roost on the ground, but they usually congregate in large flocks where some of them can keep a lookout.