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Correspondingly, what does a tunnel symbolize?
While tunnels certainly representjourneys, they more often symbolize the passage from onephase of life to another. In its most primal meaning, the tunnelsymbolizes the birth canal.
Also question is, what does it mean to dream of being underground?
Underground Dream Meaning and Interpretations.Dreaming of being underground in some way can be a reminderof hidden feelings, actions, and secrets locked away. This cancause your life all sorts of grief. Dreams of beingunderground can indicate a fear of some sort that may lead topossible death.
When you dream of waves or restless water,it means you're allowing your emotional side to take overyour emotions in waking life. Walking through turbulentwater in a dream indicates emotions are not beingcontrolled. Seeing choppy sea in a dream can indicate aworrying time ahead but you will work it out in theend.