Asked by: Maurizio Longa
science chemistry

What do we call reactions when something is built up?

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Moreover, what are the chemical reactions in the body called?

Answer and Explanation: The sum of all chemicalreactions in the body is known as metabolism. It can bedivided into two branches namely catabolism and anabolism.Catabolic

Likewise, what are the 5 types of chemical reactions examples?
  • Combination (Synthesis) reaction.
  • Decomposition reaction.
  • Displacement reaction.
  • Double displacement reaction.
  • Combustion reaction.

Secondly, what is another word for chemical reaction?

photochemical reaction endothermic reactionchemical decomposition reaction chemical reaction redoxmetathesis neutralisation decomposition reducing neutralizationreaction oxidation neutralization chemical actiondouble decomposition reaction chemical process hydrolysischemical change displacement reactionaldol

What are the 4 types of chemical reaction?

Representation of four basic chemicalreactions types: synthesis, decomposition, single replacementand double replacement.

Related Question Answers

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Is breathing a chemical reaction?

Carbon dioxide is a waste product of respiration and inthe lungs it passes out of the blood and is breathed out.Respiration is a chemical process when glucose or othersugars react with oxygen to produce energy. It producescarbon dioxide and water as waste products.

Carmelina Mukubenov


Is sweating a chemical reaction?

Sweating by itself isn't a chemical orphysical change. It's just sweating, the body's attempt tolower its temperature. For it to be a chemical change,something other than water would have to be irrecoverablly changed,atoms rearranged, and water be the product.

Martino Fesenbeck


How many chemical reactions are in the human body?

(1 x 10^9 RXNs per second per cell) x (37x 10^12) = 37 x10^21, i.e. 37 with 21 zeros after it, or 37 thousand billionbillion chemical reactions per second in the humanbody. You might be wondering at this point how so manyreactions can be taking place every second in our cells. Andthe answer lies in their size.

Chahinez Ainciondo


How do you describe chemical reactions?

Chemical reaction, a process in which one or moresubstances, the reactants, are converted to one or more differentsubstances, the products. Substances are either chemicalelements or compounds. A chemical reaction rearranges theconstituent atoms of the reactants to create different substancesas products.

Sidney Ruiz De Galarreta


What causes chemical reactions in the body?

Metabolic reactions are chemical reactionsthat occur within the body to release useable energy. Duringcellular metabolism, the molecule glucose combines with oxygen andreacts to form carbon dioxide and water, as well as ATP, which is aform of energy that the body can use for itsfunctions.

Laurice Klefoth


What are some examples of chemical reaction?

Chemical reaction, a process in which one or moresubstances, the reactants, are converted to one or more differentsubstances, the products. Burning wood is an example of achemical reaction in which wood in the presence of heat andoxygen is transformed into carbon dioxide, water vapor, andash.

Johnnie Zaton


What are the two types of chemical reactions that occur in the body?

Two types of metabolic reactions takeplace in the cell: 'building up' (anabolism) and 'breaking down'(catabolism). Catabolic reactions give out energy. They areexergonic. In a catabolic reaction large molecules arebroken down into smaller ones.

Umberto Riepenhausen


Which chemical reaction takes place in the stomach?

In the stomach, there different substance thathelp in digestion. Salivary amylase enters the stomach fromsalivary ducts in the mouth which helps break down sugars likestarch.

Ermina Tebaldi


What is a chemical change definition?

Chemistry. a usually irreversible chemicalreaction involving the rearrangement of the atoms of one ormore substances and a change in their chemicalproperties or composition, resulting in the formation of at leastone new substance: The formation of rust on iron is a chemicalchange.

Karri Iguiñiz


What is another word for Catalyst?

antecedent, cause, impulse, occasion, reason. boost,encouragement, goad, incitation, incitement, momentum, motivation,provocation, spur, stimulant, yeast.

Shaista Eude


What are the evidences of chemical change?

The following can indicate that a chemical changehas taken place, although this evidence is not conclusive:Change of odor. Change of color (for example, silverto reddish-brown when iron rusts). Change in temperature orenergy, such as the production (exothermic) or loss (endothermic)of heat.

Ikrame Salaverria


Is burning a physical or chemical reaction?

Burning of wood is a chemical change asnew substances which cannot be changed back (e.g. carbon dioxide)are formed. Physical changes are a change in which nonew substances are formed, and the substance which is changed isthe same.



What is the definition of precipitate in chemistry?

In chemistry, a precipitate is aninsoluble solid that emerges from a liquid solution. The emergenceof the insoluble solid from solution is calledprecipitation. Often the precipitate emerges as asuspension. Precipitates can form when two soluble saltsreact in solution to form one or more insolubleproducts.

Teodolina Zurwellen


What is the synonym of reaction?

reaction. n. An answer. response, reply,rejoinder, reception, receptivity, return, feedback, feeling,opinion, reflection, counteraction, resistance, backlash, attitude,retort, reciprocation, repercussion, effect, reflex; see alsoanswer 1, opinion 1, result.

Duvan Kolos


What do u mean by chemistry?

Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties,how and why substances combine or separate to form othersubstances, and how substances interact with energy. Many peoplethink of chemists as being white-coated scientists mixing strangeliquids in a laboratory, but the truth is we are allchemists.

Filippo Somendra


What is another word for reactant?

impetus, motivation, incentive, stimulant, incitement,reactionary, spur, goad, incendiary, agitator, impulse, incitation,synergist, adjuvant, enzyme, yeast, leaven,ferment.

Khamis Ospina


How do catalysts work?

Catalysts called enzymes are important inbiology. A catalyst works by providing an alternativereaction pathway to the reaction product. The rate of the reactionis increased as this alternative route has a lower activationenergy than the reaction route not mediated by thecatalyst.

Andrew Lifshitz


What are the 3 major types of chemical reactions?

The Common Types of Chemical Reactions
  • Combination.
  • Decomposition.
  • Single displacement.
  • Double displacement.
  • Combustion.
  • Redox.

Espectacion Gmelich


What are examples of reactivity?

When two or more substances can interact with each otherand be reactive you have chemical reactivity.Examples of chemical reactivity include mixingsubstances to make a medicine and the mixture of a toxic spill withsubstances in the effected environment.