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Furthermore, what do the different colored buoys mean?
Port Hand and Starboard Hand Buoys Port hand buoys are green andstarboardhand buoys are red. They show which side of achannel issafest to travel; accordingly, they mark channels orhazards. Asimple rule is red to the right when returning, or thethree“R's”: red, right, return.
In this manner, what does a yellow channel marker mean?
These indicate a preferred/mainchannel.Channel markers are usually red and green.The IntercoastalWaterway uses yellow markers to designateitschannels: Yellow square should be kepttoport; yellow triangles kept to thestarboardside.
A control buoy indicates speed limits,washrestrictions, etc.; obey the restrictions illustrated withintheorange circle. Hazard Buoy. A hazardbuoymarks random hazards such as shoals and rocks.Informationconcerning the hazard is illustrated within theorangediamond. Information Buoy.