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Asked by: Dominador Vaduva
food and drink desserts and bakingWhat do you do when gum paste is too dry?
Considering this, how do you moisten gum paste?
Using your bare hands, knead the paste like you would dough. Push the paste in with your fingers, fold it over and work it into itself, making it warm from the touch of your hands. Add the gum paste to the microwave if simply kneading with your hands does not soften it enough for you to begin working with it.
Similarly, you may ask, how long does it take for gum paste to dry?
24 hours
Cause: The gumpaste was not kneaded enough, or it was not rolled thin enough. It could also be due to the consistency of the paste—either it's too soft or too hard. The gum that was used in the gumpaste will also make the paste dry quicker and harder, which can result to cracks in your decorative pieces.