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Also, what dietary needs means?
Dietary Definitions Always ask guests for their dietary restrictionson invitations to any event where food will be served. Someone withdietary restrictions will convey that they are vegetarian orvegan and will expect you to provide a meal that meets his or herdietary needs.
Also question is, what is the definition of dietary supplements?
The law defines dietary supplements in part asproducts taken by mouth that contain a "dietary ingredient."Dietary ingredients include vitamins, minerals, amino acids,and herbs or botanicals, as well as other substances that can beused to supplement the diet.
Dietary fiber (British spelling fibre) orroughage is the portion of plant-derived food that cannot becompletely broken down by human digestive enzymes. It has two maincomponents: Some forms of insoluble fiber, such as resistantstarches, can be fermented in the colon.