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Definition of mattress. 1a : a fabric case filled with resilient material (such as cotton, hair, feathers, foam rubber, or an arrangement of coiled springs) used either alone as a bed or on a bedstead. b : an inflatable airtight sack for use as a mattress.
Then, what does it mean firm mattress?
Firmness is a term used to describe the amount of resistance that pushes against the body when lying on a mattress. A mattress that has little "give" is considered firm, while a mattress you sink into is called soft or plush.
- bed.
- cushion.
- pallet.
- futon.
- springs.
- box spring.
- innerspring.
Additionally, what is in a mattress?
Mattresses may consist of a quilted or similarly fastened case, usually of heavy cloth, that contains materials such as hair, straw, cotton, foam rubber, or a framework of metal springs. Mattresses may also be filled with air or water.
Correct spelling for the English word "mattress" is [m_ˈa_t_?_?_s], [mˈat??s], [mˈat??s]] (IPA phonetic alphabet).