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Hereof, what is a password recovery question?
Password recovery questions, more commonlycalledsecurity questions (or secret questions andanswers),are used to verify you as the legitimate owner of anonline accountwhen you've forgotten your password or areotherwise tryingto recover an online account.
- Click the gear icon at the top of any Gmail page and selectMailsettings.
- Click Accounts and Import.
- Click Change password recovery options in the 'Changeaccountsettings' section.
- Click Edit under 'Security Question'.
- Complete the form and click Save to make your changes.
People also ask, what is the purpose of security questions?
TL;DR — Security Questions areanincreasingly outmoded way of trying to authenticate who someoneis,simply by the knowledge of specific information about thatperson'slife. Better ways now exist for that purpose.Securityquestions on any on-line service are designed tovalidate thata user is who they say they are.
Banks and cable companies and wirelessproviders(and perhaps your employer) try to use securityquestions asan authenticator when you forget your password andas an extrasecurity layer during a“suspiciouslogin”—when you, or perhaps a hacker,try to accessyour account from an unfamiliar computer.