Asked by: Balma Borgoñon
religion and spirituality astrology

What does 666 mean in Chinese?

Meaning: “666” is aChinese word,homonym for “???”(niúniú niú) or “???”(liù liùliù), used to describe someone or something is verypowerful,cool,impressive.

Also question is, what does the number 666 mean in Chinese?

Numbers are tricky things in Chinese. Ifyou're not careful, you might unintentionally invoke death andmisfortune, all because you used the number four(sì), a homophone for the word “death”(sĭ). That explains why 666(liùliùliù) refers to the Chinese wordfor smooth or skilled (?, liù) instead of thedevil.

Also Know, is 6 a bad number in Chinese? , pinyin: liù) inMandarin sounds like "slick" or "smooth" (?, pinyin: liū). InCantonese, 6 (Cantonese Yale: lok6) sounds like "goodfortune" or "happiness" (?, ? Cantonese Yale: lok6). Therefore sixis considered a good number for business.

Likewise, what does 666 mean spiritually?

The 666 meaning points to a life of abundance,optimism, and luck. It also indicates your selfless traits and yourmission to have the best life. If you keep seeing 666, itmeans you are one of those people who feel happy when theycan help other people in need.

What does 666 mean in Japan?

So when Afghans see a car with number 39 on the licenseplate, they head the other way. 666:Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia means fear of the number666. In the Bible's apocalyptic Book of Revelation, John theApostle refers to 666 as "the number of thebeast."

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Chapter thirteen gives the fullest description. Johnsaw it "rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns,and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name ofblasphemy." (Revelation 13:1) It was like a leopard, withfeet like the feet of a bear, and had a mouth like alion.

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As lucky or unlucky number
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