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Asked by: Sameer Obanos
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingWhat does a candelabra symbolize?
n branched candlestick; ornamental; has several lights
Synonyms: candelabra Types: menorah. (Judaism) a candelabrum with nine branches; used during the Hanukkah festival. Menorah. (Judaism) a candelabrum with seven branches used in ceremonies to symbolize the seven days of Creation. Type of: candle holder, candlestick.
Correspondingly, what is a candelabra used for?
The definition of candelabra is a pair or set of candlesticks with multiple arms which are used to hold candles, or – more con-temporarily - electric lights.
Likewise, how heavy is a candelabra?
Tall Metal and Crystal Candelabra Overall Product Weight: 10.5lb.
Strictly speaking, the Latin word candelabrum (a multipartite candle holder) is singular, with candelabra as its plural. However, in English, candelabra is widely used in the singular, leading to what pedants consider the false plural candelabras.