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Asked by: Berezi Cira
home and garden home appliancesWhat does a flashing F mean on a heating pad?
Herein, what does a flashing F mean on a Sunbeam heating pad?
If you have a digital control, it is designed to flash"FF" on the display to notify you that a problem may have beendiscovered. Gradient controls and warming throw controls usea blinking indicator light for this purpose.
People also ask, how do you reset a heating pad?
How to Repair an Electric Heating Pad That Isn'tHeating
- Make certain you have the power cord plugged firmly into thewall outlet.
- Unplug the heating pad power cord from the outlet.
- Open the control unit using a screwdriver.
- Clean out the control unit on the cord.
- Tighten any loose part in the control unit with ascrewdriver.
“FF” is Flashing on theDisplay If the sign "FF" is flashing on your digitalcontrol or if there is blinking light on your gradientcontrol, that means there is a problem with your blanket andit needs to be reset. Check that the control cord isconnected to the module, then plug the blanket backin and turn it "on."