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Asked by: Rkia Royal
hobbies and interests beekeepingWhat does a giant leopard moth caterpillar eat?
Similarly, you may ask, is a giant leopard moth caterpillar poisonous?
As a caterpillar, the giant leopardmothgrows to approximately two inches long and has shiny blackbristlescovering its body. Unlike some other "hairy" creatures,thesecaterpillars' bristles are not urticant, which meansthatthey don't break off in predators when touched, causingirritationand discomfort.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what does a giant leopard moth look like?
The wings of this moth are bright white withapattern of neat black blotches, some solid and some hollow.Theoverside of the abdomen is dark blue with orange markings,whilethe underside is white with solid black spots, and males haveanarrow yellow line on the sides. Their legs have black andwhitebands.
Also called an eyed-tiger moth caterpillarorcommonly a “woolly bear”, this typeofcaterpillar has black spikes all over itsbody,giving it a fuzzy look. All caterpillarseventuallyturn into moths, and the giant leopard moth isparticularlystriking.