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Simply so, how many stops do you lose with a 2x teleconverter?
A 1.4x teleconverter makes a lens lose 1stop of light. A 1.7x teleconverter makes a lenslose 1.5 stops of light. A 2x teleconvertermakes a lens lose two stops of light.
Subsequently, question is, do teleconverters affect focus?
Teleconverters do not weigh a lot, butprofessional telephoto lenses often do. Using ateleconverter does not affect your minimumfocusing distance. This means that you can continue to use atelephoto lens to get close-in to a subject that is not too faraway.
Teleconverters can be used to increase the apparentfocal length of a lens but at the cost of overall sharpness andlens speed. A 2x teleconverter (such as the Nikon TC-20EIIAF-S teleconverter) will double the apparent focal length atthe expense of two stops of light.