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Similarly, it is asked, is paint primer necessary?
A coat of primer may seem like an unnecessaryexpense, but when painting interior walls, it's almostalways worth it. You should never omit primer whenpainting new drywall, and it's also a benefit over existingglossy or semi-gloss paints. Primer usually isn'tneeded when you're painting over flat wallpaint.
Subsequently, question is, is paint with primer any good?
Adhering to surfaces better than regular paintsbut not as well as primers, 2 in 1 paint andprimer products work best on surfaces that have already beenpainted. When used on raw surfaces, previously applying ahigh-quality primer can help ensure better coatingadhesion.
Primer Drying Time Most latex primers dry to the touch within 30 minutesto 1 hour. But do not paint the wall until theprimer dries thoroughly, which can take up to 3hours. High humidity and cool temperatures prolongs dryingtimes.