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Similarly, what is a psychological criminal profiler?
Psychological profiling, also known asbehavioral,criminal personality, and criminalprofiling, is amethod used by criminal investigators todevelop profiles formurders, rapists, and other violentcriminals who haven'tbeen apprehended. Mostpsychological profilers are FBIspecial agents.
Secondly, how do you become a psychological profiler?
Here is one possible path to becoming acriminalprofiler:
- Step 1: Graduate from high school.
- Step 2: Get a bachelor's degree in forensics, criminaljustice,psychology, or a related discipline (4 years).
- Step 3: Attend a law enforcement academy (3-5 months).
- Step 4: Garner experience in the field (several years).
A psychological profile is a tool that canhelpcrime investigators by telling them the kind of perpetratortheyare seeking. The development of psychologicalprofilingbegan in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI )BehavioralScience Unit during the 1960s in an attempt to understandviolentcriminal behavior.