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Also question is, what does a red buoy mean?
Many boaters are familiar with the saying,Red,Right, Returning, meaning the position of theredbuoy should be on the right side of the boat (starboard)whenreturning from sea, or heading upstream or toward the originorheadwaters of a water body.
Also asked, what do hazard buoys indicate?
A control buoy indicates speed limits,washrestrictions, etc.; obey the restrictions illustrated withintheorange circle. A hazard buoy marks randomhazardssuch as shoals and rocks. Information concerning thehazardis illustrated within the orange diamond.
Port hand buoys are green andstarboardhand buoys are red. They show which side ofa channelis safest to travel; accordingly, they mark channels orhazards.Generally, green buoys must be passed on the leftside of acraft heading upstream, i.e., against thecurrent.