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Asked by: Mbark Chentouf
automotive auto buying and sellingWhat does a red license plate mean in Colorado?
Similarly, it is asked, what color are Colorado license plates?
The basic design of Colorado's license plate, arange of mountains against a white or green background, has been inuse since 1960 (except for 1973 and 1975–76). In 2000, a moredetailed version of the mountain face replaced the previousmonochrome version.
Besides, how many different types of license plates does Colorado have?
Colorado's motor vehicles divisions offer morethan 100 variants of designated license plates, from vanityplates to PRM.
Plate Options: Information: Research Colorado Revised Statute42-3-102(59). Available For: Passenger cars or trucks thatdo not exceed sixteen thousand pounds empty weight.Fees: One-time fee of $50.00 for the issuance or replacementof plates. $25 renewal fee.