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Then, what does a nose ring symbolize?
Depending on where you wear it, a nose ring canbe seen as a beautiful accessory, a symbol of status, wealth orprestige or even as an act of rebellion.
Simply so, why does a warrior pierce his septum?
Septum piercing is particularly prevalentamong warrior cultures, most likely due to the fact that awarrior with a large tusk through the septum looksespecially fierce. They wore a variety of jewelry in theirpierced septums, but jade and gold were the most popular materialsbecause of their religious connotations.
While rare, septal hematoma is the most seriouspotential danger of a septum piercing, which cancause difficulty breathing and even potential facial deformity.Good luck with your piercing and make sure to also readeverything you need to know about septum piercings beforeyou commit to one.