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Subsequently, one may also ask, what is a Kunya name?
???) is a name which ishonorably given to the mother or father of an Arabic child.Kunya is pronounced koon-ya. A married person (especiallyladies) are called by their kunya name, which is abu(father) or umm (mother) plus the name of their firstson.
Also asked, what does the AL mean in Arabic names?
Al-, Arabic definite article,meaning “the.” It often prefixes Arabicproper nouns, especially place-names; an example isAl-Jazīrah (Arabic: “The Island”),the name of an interfluvial region in Sudan. The article isoften used in lowercase form, henceal-Jazīrah.
In Arabic names, both ibn and bincan be translated as “son of.” Osama bin Ladenmeans “Osama, son of Laden.” It's not uncommonfor names to include references to three or four generationsof ancestors, each offset with bin oribn.