Asked by: Soukaina Reider
medical health vaccines

What does Asims stand for in the Air Force?

Air Force. Aeromedical Services Information Management System (ASIMS)

Also asked, what is Asims Air Force?

ASIMS is a web-based application for the management of Individual Medical Readiness (IMR), Deployment Medical Clearances, Occupational Health and other programs for Military Treatment Facility (MTF) health care staff, Air Force (AF) Line Commanders (CCs), AF leadership and Service Members.

One may also ask, how do I access my IMR army? Log in to AKO with your CAC card or using your Logon ID and password. On the AKO Home Page, go to "My Medical Readiness Status" Click on “MORE” Select “Periodic Health Assessment”

Besides, what shot do you get in the military?

Basic Training and Officer Accession Training Measles Mumps and rubella (MMR) are administered to all recruits regardless of prior history. Quadrivalent meningococcal vaccine (containing A, C, Y, and W-135 polysaccharide antigens) is administered on a one-time basis to recruits.

How long does Medpros take to update?

MEDPROS will be updated at the Point of Service at the Time of Service (immediately or within 24 hours).

Related Question Answers

Felicisima Ishaq


What is Medpros?

MEDPROS is the Army's automated database designed to meet Department of Defense requirements in maintaining unit and individual medical readiness. It is designed to provide commanders with a real-time, world-wide operational system to manage the medical readiness and deployability of their unit.

Yarina Juran


Where can I get military immunization records?

You may request paper copies of your medical records from the military hospital or clinic records office. If it's been more than two years since your last appointment, you'll need to request copies of your records from the archives.

Urgell Bollain


How do I check my IMR?

Your IMR can be verified by searching IMR/ASIMS on AF PORTAL by visiting, or going through your unit health monitor. When accessing the IMR link, members have the ability to print their own AF 469/422, DD2766c (shot records) and family member immunizations.

Samoila Pinto


How do I print from Medpros?

Preview the profile on the screen and click on the Printer icon in the top left hand corner to print or save a copy by using the file menu. NOTE: You do NOT need to register in eProfile to get your own profile.

Maite Tann


Is Army Knowledge Online down?

Army set to shut down AKO email. Army Knowledge Online will soon be out of the email loop, as the Army will shut down AKO's classified and unclassified email systems effective March 31, while users continue to move to DOD Enterprise Email (DEE) or other addresses.

Nafissatou Junque


What shots do you get in the Marines?

You may receive the following vaccines at the Soldier Medical Readiness Center:
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine.
  • Hepatitis A Vaccine.
  • Influenza Vaccine.
  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine.
  • Inactivated Polio Vaccine.
  • Tetanus-Diphtheria Vaccine.
  • Typhoid Vaccine.
  • Yellow Fever Vaccine.

Lancine Fernandez De Aguirre


How do I get my immunization records from Tricare?

From Military Hospitals and Clinics
You may request paper copies of your medical records from the military hospital or clinic records office. If it's been more than two years since your last appointment, you'll need to request copies of your records from the archives.

Chunhua Rhune


How safe is vaccination?

Vaccines work.
Most childhood vaccines are 90% to 99% effective in preventing disease. And if a vaccinated child does get the disease, the symptoms are usually less serious than in a child who hasn't been vaccinated. There may be mild side effects, like swelling where the shot was given, but they do not last long.

Marcelina Nasrutdinov


What is the peanut butter shot?

The "peanut butter" shot, in the military, is a slang term for the famous bicillin vaccination every recruit receives unless they have an allergy — and can prove it. Fear the peanut butter shot. Yes, fear it. Since bicillin kills off a variety of bacteria strands in one shot, it's given to nearly every recruit.

Idoia Shakhnazaryants


What shots are given in boot camp?

Accession Screening and Immunization Program
  • Adenovirus.
  • Hepatitis A.
  • Hepatitis B.
  • Twinrix.
  • Influenza.
  • Measles-Mumps-Rubella.
  • Meningococcal.
  • Polio.

Dativo Mariña


Do you get a penicillin shot in basic training?

Penicillin's role in the military starts during basic training with an initial intramuscular injection of benzathine penicillin for group A Streptococcus prophylaxis.

Grau Hiriart


Do you have to get vaccinated in the military?

As a member of the military, you'll get vaccines when you enter basic training and before you deploy to protect you from serious diseases. Vaccines are a safe and effective way to stay healthy and help protect your fellow military members, your family, and your community.

Hassnaa Memis


Do I need a typhoid vaccine?

Routine typhoid vaccination is not recommended in the United States, but typhoid vaccine is recommended for: Travelers to parts of the world where typhoid is common. (NOTE: typhoid vaccine is not 100% effective and is not a substitute for being careful about what you eat or drink.)

Mounir Sandvoss


How many vaccines do military get?

The Department of Defense (DoD) administers 17 different vaccines, as outlined in the Joint Instruction on Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis (Secretaries of the Air Force, Army, Navy, and Transportation, 1995), for the prevention of infectious diseases among military personnel, where appropriate.

Bryanna Dilges


Is the peanut butter shot still given?

Fear the peanut butter shot. Yes, fear it. Since bicillin kills off a variety of bacteria strands in one shot, it's given to nearly every recruit. Now, once the medical staff injects the recruits in their butt cheek, the pain hits them like a bolt of electricity.

Mirtha Escuela


Does the army give HPV vaccinations?

Currently, HPV vaccine is not mandatory for U.S. military service members, but the Defense Health Agency and each individual service have policies encouraging and offering HPV vaccination to service members.

Anastasio Urdinola


What is a PHA?

The Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) is a screening tool used by the armed forces to evaluate the individual medical readiness of their Service members. It can be conducted alone or can be combined with other individual medical readiness needs (e.g., dental exam and immunizations).

Gui Pollmachers


How long is Army PHA good for?

A: PHA is a Periodic Health Assessment. The PHA is required on an annual basis; it replaced the five year retention physical.

Jingwen Struckamp


How do I schedule the PHA army?

To schedule your annual DoD PHA, you must register with the LHI. care website at if you are not already registered. Slides are attached at the link below that will assist you with registration. Once registration is complete you will need to complete the online PHA assessment in the LHI.